Give us a call at 905-642-6087

Camp Treetop

Camp TreetopCamp Treetop connects children to nature in fun, educational, confidence-building ways. We let hands on experience with plants & animals and the earth itself instil values of respect for the environment. Kids learn and explore as they play with bugs, grow food, get messy and have fun doing all the things they love to do.

It’s an unforgettable outdoor day camp that includes:

  • Swimming or Water Play (age and weather dependant)
  • Rock Wall and BMX biking on an all-terrain track (program dependent)
  • Archery (ages 8+)
  • Horseback riding
  • Gardening and Nature Programming
  • Arts & crafts
  • Dance, drumming & drama
  • Sports & active play

Camp Treetop Ages & Schedules

Camp Treetop has four programs for age groups ranging from 4 to 12 years of age. Select a campers group below for details and daily schedules of each program.

Seedlings (4 to 5 years old)

Super SeedlingsThe program for our youngest campers is all about play and exploration. It is a big move to join an outdoor camp so we take extra care to ensure that they feel safe, confident and comfortably challenged as they have fun.

While some kids were born kicking a ball, others are naturally gifted at music or art. Camp Treetop provides a variety of experiences ranging from sports to arts and crafts in a healthy balance of indoor and fresh air activities. Led by our dedicated camp counsellors who are familiar with issues like separation anxiety, developing self-help skills and suitable levels of assistance, Seedlings enjoy stimulating fun and meaningful experiences.

Super Seedlings Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival / Free Play (9:00 am to 9:30 am)
  • Arts and crafts in the craft loft
  • Wash-up / Snack
  • Free Play
  • Time at the trike-track and natural outdoor playground
  • Pony Rides
  • Lunch Time (12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)
  • Water Play
  • Wash-up / Snack
  • Gardening and Nature Programming
  • Hometime (4:00 pm to 4:30 pm)

Camper / Counsellor Ratio: minimum of 1 counsellor for every six children

Schedules are examples of a typical day, actual activities may vary from day-to-day.

Explorers (6 to 7 years old)

Budding ExplorersExplorers are somewhat experienced with being away from home, proud of their budding independence and ready for adventure.  This is an active, hands-on play-based program where kids “dig in” and learn about things such as the living soil, plants and have an opportunity to get up close and personal with our friendly animals. They’ll discover for themselves the interconnectedness of life on a farm.

Each day they’ll also be encouraged to try new physical challenges such as a new sport, game or adventure activity such as Scootering or horseback riding and explore the arts through crafts, dance and drumming.

Budding Explorers Schedule:

  • Arrival / Free Play (9:00 am to 9:30 am)
  • Discover Nature – Garden Activities
  • Free Play
  • Wash-up / Snack
  • Horsemanship and pony rides
  • Arts and crafts
  • Lunch Time (12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)
  • Recreational Swim (min of 3 days weather permitting)
  • Active Play/Sports
  • Free-play in natural playground
  • Hometime (4:00 pm to 4:30 pm)

Camper / Counsellor Ratio: minimum of 1 counsellor for every eight children.

Schedules are examples of a typical day, actual activities vary from day-to-day.


Rangers (8 to 9 years old)

Rangers programRangers are becoming more aware of their place in the world. They are at a point where they need to explore nature, understand their relationship to the environment and their impact on the world. In a program that is fun and empowering, they are challenged to explore new interests and practice or master old favourites.

Our Rangers will have a chance to spend 2 hours a day doing activities that are focused on their own preferences such as soccer, volleyball, horseback riding, art, music. We always respect individual abilities, needs and strengths.

Forest Rangers Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival / Free Play (9:00 am to 9:30 am)
  • Arts and Crafts in the craft loft
  • Wash up / Snack
  • Free Play
  • Capture the Flag! and other active games
  • Lunch Time (12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)
  • Horseback Riding or BMXing
  • Free Swim (minimum  3 days)
  • Garden and Nature Programming
  • Sports & Active Play
  • Hometime (4:00 pm to 4:30 pm)

Camper / Counsellor Ratio: minimum of 1 counsellor for every nine children

Schedules are examples of a typical day, actual activities may vary from day-to-day and can be weather dependent.

Trailblazers (10 to 12 years old)

Trailblazers 10-12 yrsTrailblazers, our eldest group of Treetop campers, have started to carve out their own unique identities and are very aware of what activities they enjoy doing. In this program we offer a wide variety of activities and choice so that each camper can explore their own interests while also being given opportunities to try something new.

These campers are becoming more and more independent and want this independence to shine by taking on greater responsibility and leadership roles. Each week this group will have the opportunity to work with our camp programmers to design and/or lead the camp wide event that takes place every Friday. The program is designed with a good balance of challenge and fun!

Trailblazers Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival/Free Play (9:00 am to 9:30 am)
  • Drama/Visual Arts/Drumming
  • Snack
  • Sports & other Active Games
  • Lunch Time (12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)
  • Free Swim
  • Nature Exploration & Orienteering
  • Snack
  • BMX Biking or Horseback Riding
  • Archery or Leadership Activities
  • Hometime (4:00 pm to 4:30 pm)

Camper / Counsellor Ratio: 1 counsellor for every 9 children

Schedules are examples of a typical day, actual activities may vary from day-to-day and can be weather dependent.

2025 Fees & Schedules

Summer Pricing for Camp Treetop:

  • Week  2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 – $550/week
  • Week 1 & 6 – $440/week

How to Register